Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hot Pant Monday

Last night Nic came to practice in hot pants. It disturbed everyone but Ianto who became quite excited and we had to calm him down with tickles.

We learnt new songs including a version of Jump by Van Halen which, despite Stephs efforts to sabotage it, turned out killa.

Marcin and Steve were both indiscript at practice and may has well been the wallpaper.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Another band practice report

We had yet another band practice for our show on the 9th of September. There's also solo shows for the more reputable members this week. Stevie plays this Thursday with Home for the Def and Barry at the Prince Albert and I'm playing on Saturday night with Leighstardust and a bunch of other people at the Grace Emily. Steph will also be involved in some sort of "extreme" boxing match out in Elizabeth as well, but I don't know where that is. Follow the trail of police cars.

The highlight of band practice was the continuation of the debate about our outfits. Matt has decided we each need a theme, not unlike the Spice Girls. So he gave us all these costumes and we're meant to go away and make a character. Marcin got a Garfield costume, so now he's Garfield Through Road. Nick got fish net stockings, hot pants and a mid riff top, for which he is developing a character he calls "Floozy Through Road". For the rest of us it was a little less clear cut. There's not much you can assume from pantaloons and polo shirts.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Kerouac of the New Century

Apparently we play in Melburnia again in mid November. Matt is thinking of driving because he's "entranced" by the romance of the road trip and now sees himself as "The Kerouac of the New Century". He's decided to adopt this as his new persona, but he wants to make it a bit more "jazzy" so he's decided that the "Kerouac of the New Century", whilst still drinking heavily, womanising and so forth and so on, should also be disco dancing almost constantly. So he rang me up last night and had this big conversation about inserting dance into one's daily life - dancing instead of walking, sitting still or standing around doing nothing. Apparently he's perfected the "I'm on the phone" dance, the "watching TV" dance, but he wants to develop a couple dozen more "Walking down the street" dances. He over came the first hurdle in this new identity earlier in the week. Apparently he'd been making Bridget carry around a boombox so he always had music to dance to, but she got tired and refused. He was at a loss as to what he should do but then he rang me up again this morning all excited saying the problem was overcome because he'd found "the rhythm of the streets".

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monday Night Practice Part 2

Yeah we had our first practice back in ages. Yarsie wanted a big chunk of chocolate and a Gatorade, I assume to replenish the energy used to eat all the chocolate. I bought it for him. He ate it and then was jittery for the rest of the evening. He even started barking like a dog during one song, he thought no one noticed cause the music was loud, but I did. And it was scary.

Steph got really drunk and abusive again. I think I need to talk to her about that. She started to hit Nic with his own hands and kept shouting 'WHY ARE YOU HITTING YOURSELF'

Nic cried for ages, Steve offered support but he was inconsolable.

Other than that the practice was all successes!

Monday night practice

We had the first NTR practice in a couple of months last night. Marcin was absent, but his court date is set to be heard in about a week so hopefully he'll be out on bail before our show on September 9th.

Matt handed out copies of the new album last night, which should be on sale to the general public soon. I took a couple home and gave them to my housemate, Evan, and a visiting bearded friend, Radz, who were watching Friday the 13th on DVD. They both agreed the front cover, featuring nothing but Matt's face, was truly shocking. It was sitting on the coffee table and Evan turned it over saying it was freaking him out. I propped it up so it was facing him more directly and said "Welcome to my world". He couldn't hack it and put it face down again. So then I put it ontop of the TV, greating adding to the sheer terror of the shlock horror film they were watching.

Then this morning I got up and Evan was singing a revised version of 'The Next Bob Dylan', except he'd changed the lyrics so they were "I am the next Evan Smith, I am the next Evan Smith. You're all going to miss me, I am Evan Smith."

Friday, August 11, 2006

Look here then

So ive made a blog for no through road. 3 of us are bloggers as such so some of us can start telling ya about what we have been doing. if anyone is interested that is. lets see if this thing works.